

When I put gas in my car, I play this game where I try to get it to an exact amount of money, down to the penny. Today that amount was $7.43. But as I was trying to ease it up from $7.30, I made the startling discovery THAT THE GAS PUMP WOULD NOT STOP FLOWING. So I asked this guy standing next to me to help, but he couldn't get it to stop either. It finally stopped of it's own accord --- at $25.10.

This was a big big problem because I only had $10 with me, because, of course, I was only planning to spend $7.43.

So I had to go inside and explain exactly why I couldn't pay for my gas. Then I temporarily stole 10 gallons while I drove back to my house to get more money.


zebrasaur at 7:48 p.m.

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