
the loud guy

Those of you who know me well already know that I find the existence of other people to be generally troublesome. But I'm no Palestinian -- I realize that other people have a right to exist. So I manage to happily coexist with most types of people simply by ignoring the existence of anyone I don't especially like.

But frankly, my tolerance toward humanity can only go so far. And I simply can not tolerate The Loud Guy. I'm sure you know him too - he's the one who thinks that being loud is the same thing as being funny. His brand of comedy involves never allowing his voice to dip below 200 decibels. He is incapable of unarticulated thought, which becomes painfully clear if you ever step within a twenty-foot radius of him.

And people fall for it. All the time. They think he's a riot, he's a trip, he's a character. Despite the fact that The Loud Guy is rarely genuinely witty or clever or even remotely amusing, people seem to believe he is funny. And they encourage him. And this encouragement spawns more Loud Guys. Now there are swarms of them. like locusts. Or a plague. The Loud Guy is the new AIDs. Except AIDs is funnier.

The worst thing about it is that you can't escape them. The Loud Guy is everywhere. He is in grocery stores. He is on TV. At the library. In the classroom. At the office. In the movie theater. On the hit list.

Well, on my hit list any way.

zebrasaur at 7:31 p.m.

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