
Misanthropy Volume I

Zebrasaur Special Edition: Misanthropy

Volume I: Meet my J-School Competition

I have been considering applying to journalism school here at UW Madison. To this end, I am currently enrolled Journalism 201 where I am routinely required to peer edit papers for three people who are allegedly my "peers." After reading their work, however, I prefer to think of them as "not my peers."

As far as I can tell, everyone in my course section is a native English speaker older than seven who enjoys the function of both hemispheres of his or her brain. So it is beyond me why they are turning out the insipid crap that they have been handing me to proofread.

I'd love to help you out, guys, I really would. Unfortunately, I can't peer edit you out of Special Ed. Short of rewriting your paper, there's not a whole lot I can do for you.

Oh, readers, you must be thinking that I am an enormous bitch right now. And yes, you may have a point, but do not be too quick to judge. If you had read these papers, you would have dissolved in a fit of condescending hysterics right along with me.

zebrasaur at 12:34 a.m.

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