
How Sunday Went Down

Hey, readers, not much time to talk as I am once again being strangled to death by academia. This time, though, I have started my paper a full forty-eight hours in advance which spells p-r-o-g-r-e-s-s towards my goal of "not procrastinating to the point of inducing a nervous breakdown every two weeks."

Still, I aim to furnish you with the raw truth every day so here is quick rundown of how Sunday, April 15th went down:
1. Sold my body to science for a cool $4,500. Well, actually, I guess it is more like a three-week lease.
2. Read that Prince William broke up with his girlriend, and so began practicing saying "football" instead of "soccer" and and "lift" instead of "elevator" so that my transition into British culture will be easier when we start dating.
3. Worked a close shift at the Ritz-Carlton. Or was it Pop's Club? Hmm... sometimes I can't tell.

Wish I could give you more but I am an internationally recognized scholar and there are strict demands on my time, so you will have to make this last until we reconvene tomorrow.

zebrasaur at 10:02 p.m.

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