
mean-spirited bitch, twist of lime

So, the 20th was a "Rori Costello is seriously kicking some ass and taking care of business in style" type of day and, so far, the 21st is a "Rori Costello is a total angry and mean-spirited bitch, with a twist of lime" type day. Since the world is a particularly dark shade of irritating today, I took The Count of Monte Cristo down to Staring Lake to spend a few hours in my favorite bad-day pastime of "For the love of all that is holy, leave me the hell alone. Everyone. Please".

Except there was already a pair of overtanned Bearpath types sitting in dangerous proximity of my favorite spot and their chatter, which was contstant and unwaveringly directed at some guy named Jason, made me want to throw brick at, like, endangered species. So I surrenedered all hope and came home and to drink a generous portion of DMD so that I would think it was a party. A big fat party for one, taking place in an Ikea chair in Eden Prairie!

I guess this kind of made feel better. Not really. I still have to go to my aunt's retirment party tonight. Wasn't there something I could drink that would keep that from happening? Oh. Yeah. Liquid Anthrax.

zebrasaur at 2:18 p.m.

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