
life as we know it

Hey guys! Roger Reporter here, working on a hot human interest story about life in Madison!

Yesterday was more of the same--work, errands, napping. The story will only get more boring if I try to give you details.

Then I suggested an evening of hookah on my apartment building roof, but enthusiasm for that plan was lukewarm at best (and more like"nonexistant" in reality) so instead I headed down to a little soiree on the sixth floor. I intended to remain stone cold sober due to my 6:30 a.m. shift at work today, but the potent combination of peer pressure and a light case of alcoholism had a drink firmly in my hand faster than you can say "irresponsible."

I saw the error in my ways when my alarm went off at six and I stumbled out of bed feeling like a bag of aliens and cursing the god of Keystone Lite. But no bother! I am so highly evolved that I don't need sleep. Or food. Or water. I just slide along through life, metabolizing sunlight, converting rainwater into macronutrients, completing entire REM cycles in the time it takes others to blink. And I never used those bumper things to bowl, either.

zebrasaur at 10:09 a.m.

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