
one thing at a time

Oh, readers. I am perenially behind!

Friday- Allison, Will, Ali, Igor, and I piled into the clown car and headed back to the Motherland ("Minnesota" for you outsiders). It was a five-hour drive packed full of hilarity, petty crime, and malt liquor! I only had a forty, though, because after that my driving started to get a little erratic.

Ha! I bet you guys missed me these past few days. When I am not around, there is nobody in your life to make wildly inappropriate jokes about drunk driving!

Anyway, to clear the air, the was NO liquor-- malt or otherwise. In fact, there weren't even regular malts. That is how dedicated I am to getting my friends home safely. I spent the weekend visiting non-UW pals, weaseling money out of my parents, running errands... you get the idea**

We came back Sunday, and now I am trying to get my life back on track after that little vacation. This has proved difficult, since I'm such a lazy/distractable person. I usually consider the day a success if I accomplish one thing of importance. Go to all of my classes OR do a problem set OR clean the apartment OR write a paper. But lately, doing one thing a day (watching I Love New York 2 with my roommates, for instance) does not seem to be enough. I did go to see Barack Obama speak yesterday, which was awesome. But really, I should have checked the mail at least. Or cleaned my room or killed myself.

**if you do not get the idea please email me or leave a comment and i will explain the idea to you.

zebrasaur at 8:32 a.m.

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