
even though I probably should

It used to be traditional to throw rice at a newly married couple at their wedding, but people pretty much stopped doing that when they figured out that it was like Texas Chainsaw Massacre for birds. They would discover all the rice on the ground and, rice being irresistible to bird and man alike, would eat too much of it and it would expand in their little stomachs and they would explode.

For similar reasons, I am afraid to jump back into blogging too fast. I would hate for all of this blogging to expand in your head and, like, rupture your cerebral cortex. Not because I'm all that concerned about preserving your life, but more because I would prefer not to become the target of an international lawsuit.

So I'm going to ease you in. Today I will tell you only three things, in an itemized fashion:
1. Last night some people tried to break into my apartment.
2. I had elaborate plans to spend the whole weekend working on my Islam paper, but instead I spent it drawing and enjoying sci-fi movies that I would probably not get to watch if my roommates were home (X-Files, anyone?)
3. I don't feel guilty about #2, even though I probably should.

zebrasaur at 10:27 a.m.

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