
Things I do

Things Adults Do:
1. Rinse coffee pot after every use.
2. Separate whites and colors.
3. Look to sources other than MTV True Life for advice/direction in their lives
4. Take vitamins.
5. Have a favorite mug.
6. Have distinguished handwriting.
7. Throw things away after the expiration date
8. Make lists of things to do each day, and actually do them instead of decorating the list with illustrations of anthropomorphized sea creatures
9. Never have a reason to say "anthropomorphized"
10. Know how to fold fitted sheets.
11. Think babies are cute
12. Enjoy movies like "The China Syndrome" or "Chinatown" or other movies that have "China" in the title.
13. Usually have stamps in their wallet
14. Talk about gas prices.
15. Know how much to tip
16. Eat three meals a day, instead of just one daily composite meal of Kraft singles and pretzels
17. They don't skip class (or work, and the case may be) just because their iPod is broken and they can't handle walking there without it
18. Complete tasks in a timely manner unaided by No-Doz, coffee binges, methamphetamine, etc.

Things I do:
1. Not any of those

Seriously, guys.

zebrasaur at 12:01 p.m.

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