

When I was little, I watched this Discovery Channel special about Mayan astronomy and their prediction that world would reach its catastrophic end in 2012. It scared the shit out of me for a while, and then I forgot about because back in the day I was way too preoccupied with scrunchies and JTT to worry about doomsday or whatever.

But I've been thinking about it lately, and kind of hoping that this is one of those things that seemed a lot more ominous as a child. But no. I Googled it, and the world truly is fucked! I don't know how I feel about that. Ambivalent, I guess. Like if this is really the apocalypse then I don't have to worry about eating too many carbs- sure. And while that may be kind of awesome it comes with a very huge pricetag. Like I will never get to have a house or children or own a cake-decoration corporation, so my entire Martha Stewart magazine collection is essentially useless. Ugh.

zebrasaur at 4:39 p.m.

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