
no muppets, no goodbyes, no tears

Connie left for Berkeley yesterday. I brought her chocolate covered strawberries (for the airplane) and my very best wishes (for anytime). I wanted to get her a card, but the only bon voyage card that I could find had muppets on it. I hate muppets - the little fuckers scare the hell out of me. I would never give a muppet card to somebody that I really care about. So no card. But I did buy myself a shirt with a turtle on it.

I don't like to say goodbye. I guess nobody likes goodbyes, but I really hate them. I hate that everyone cries and sniffles and carries on like we're all about to be eaten by bears or something. I know the situation is sad, but that's the thing -- it's sad enough without all of that Hallmark Channel bullshit.

I am trying very hard to just enjoy my last two weeks with everybody here. But it's difficult not to be all nostalgic when everything I do has such an undercurrent of finality to it. But I'm wearing my new turtle shirt to make myself feel better. Who could be sad in a turtle shirt? Not me. That's for damn sure.

zebrasaur at 10:48 a.m.

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