
Social Olympics

On Saturday I decided to do sorority recruitment. It was a spur of the moment decision. Four days later I've spent over twelve hours at rush events. It's like being in the social olympics.

Hi!MynameisRoriI'mfromMinnesota!I'mlivinginSelleryand Iloveitheresomuch!RushhasbeensomuchfunIlovemeetingallofthesegreatpeople!Sotellmemoreabout kappakappagammadeltaphibeta!

It was exhausting, but not as awful as everyone makes it out to be. I despise all of the anti-sorority stereotypes that so many people seem to hold. But even more than I despise those stereotypes, I despise the girls that live up to them.

And there were a lot of girls who lived up to them. But for the most part, everyone was unbelievably nice and accomodating.

Still, I've decided to withdraw from rush. I'm glad I tried it out but it's definitely not for me. Joining a sorority may be a great way to meet people, but it's just not worth it if it means I have to start reading Vogue and pretending to care about Laguna Beach.

zebrasaur at 8:25 p.m.

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