
31 perfect days

It is October today! October is my very favorite month. You'll be pretty grateful that I told that when it comes up next time you're playing Trivial Pursuit.

Blue skies, crisp air, yellow leaves; today is the quintessential October day. It makes me think of hayrides. Which is strange considering I've never actually been on a hayride. But I'd like to go sometime. If you're ever going on a hayride, give me a call - I'll come with. I'll even wear my flannel shirt. We will drink apple cider and chew on blades of grass and discuss the progress of the pumpkin crop. Later, pa will get out his fiddle and play us some tunes. It will be a right good time!

Ah yes. I have 31 excellent days of October in front of me. So do you! Use them wisely, my friends...

zebrasaur at 3:38 p.m.

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