
pregaming the laundry

My laundry has been piling up in the corner for quite some time now, but I've somehow managed to ignore it. But today, while sitting in Poli Sci wearing a bathing suit under my clothes because I'd run out of clean underwear, it dawned on me that tomorrow I'd have no recourse but to go commando to my Spanish final.

So I decided to do some laundry.

A few hours later I'm in the elevator, on my way down to the laundry room. And I'm a little grossed out, because the entire elevator reeks of beer. I mean, come on, it's a Tuesday night! Right before finals! Who is drinking tonight?! So I give the guy that's in there with me a really mean, accusatory look. And he glares right back at me.

And that's about the point that I had a flashback to Friday night-- the night when everyone who stepped within three feet of me spilled beer on me. And this pervasive smell of alcohol in the elevator? Eminating from the beer-drenched skirt in my laundry basket.

And this guy kept glaring at me all the way down to the ground floor. And really, who can blame him? It really must have seemed like I was pregaming the laundry room. On a Tuesday night. During finals. Alone.

zebrasaur at 11:14 p.m.

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