I can live with that
"Stealing music is the same as stealing anything else." That is what our friends over at MusicUnited have to say.
And they're right. It is theft, plain and simple. So why is that I don't feel even slightly guilty?
It's not because I think that musicians already have too much money. And it's not because I think music sharing networks help promote new artists. And it's not because I believe that music and art should, on principle, be free. It's because I simply don't care.
I don't feel guilty because I don't care. And because I'm not going to get caught. And because my enjoyment of music pretty effectively strangles the last gasping breaths out of my conscience before it has a chance to protest.
Simple as that.
I guess I'd rank pretty low on Kohlberg's scale of moral development. But I can live with that.
zebrasaur at 9:29 p.m.
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