
Your Third World Vacation

With Spring Break rapidly approaching, it is time for you to start planning your Third World vacation!

While South American nations and and impoverished Carribbean islands are tried-and-true favorites, allow me to suggest something new for Spring Break '07: Cuba!

Ok, Americans, I know what you're thinking: it's illegal for us to go to Cuba! I understand your concern, but don't worry--there's a loophole. All you have to do is appear to be a terrorist. You don't even have be a real terrorist, the American government will be more than willing to bring your potential crimes to life with the power of imagination!

Cuba is already packed full of maybe-terrorists soaking up the tropical sun and forwarding the bill to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Were they terrorists when they were arrested? I don't know! You don't know! The American judicial system doesn't know! It is possible that God knows, but he is too busy smiting gay people to tell us. You will fit right in!

If they can pull it off, so can you. I've got the sunscreen, you bring the margarita mix. See you there, diarylanders!

zebrasaur at 3:29 p.m.

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