
I can't stay mad at you

If the mere mention of carboxyl groups has you reaching for the bourbon, take heart-- you're not alone.

This business of pursuing higher education is starting drag me down. I guess it's better than stabbing myself through the leg with a prehistoric buffalo femur or whatever it is the Indians-oops-I-mean-Native-Americans did to earn a place in adult society. But not by much.

But after a weekend in which I remained completely sober, studied fervently, and did four loads of laundry (a trifecta which, taken together, occurs less frequently than Hale Bopp) I feel like my shit is just about as together as it's going to be.

Maybe I just needed to know that I'm capable of being a functional human being in the textbook senseof the term. And now that I've proven that point, I can go back to being my usual irresponsible, lazy (but endlessly charming!) self.

zebrasaur at 11:33 a.m.

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