
here is what it is like

The problem with college, as with anything I suppose, is that you have to take the good with the bad.

It is like how you buy a box of Oreos, but really only want the white sugar paste ("frosting" if you're going to buy into Nabisco's dubious claims), so you scrape it off with your bottom teeth and throw the cookie portion of each Oreo away, so that by the end of the night you've got a stomach ache and garbage can full of black cookie disks. I mean, not that I've ever actually found myself in this situation. Or anything. It's just... a metaphor, ok?

But if I have to spell it out for you, the point is this: at this particular juncture in my eighteen-year-old life, all I really wanted from the University of Wisconsin was some new friends, unlimited independence, and someone to bum me a cigarette when I'm drunk. And I got all of those things, true. But they came in a package deal, alongside twelve-hour stints in the library, bills, terrible food, and stacks of tedious textbooks.

With thirty-five days of school to go, I feel I've already drained all the best parts of freshman year dry. And what's left over, the bitter dregs of college life like "learning" and "thinking about the future," -- I just want to throw that stuff away. But I can't. Because my trashcan is too full of Oreo remnants.

zebrasaur at 10:10 p.m.

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