
personal hygiene machine

In a generous mood, my mother decided to pick up some "staples" to "get me started" on stocking my apartment. Bedding? Towels? Non-perishable food items? Uhhh no. But look, here are some Brillo pads! And an economy-sized box of Ivory soap bars. Thanks, mom! Now I can wash my hands until at least February without having to sneak into the Mariott next door.

I am troubled that she believes that left to my own devices, I'd never bother to buy soap. I have my faults, I know, but I am nothing if not cleanly. I am a personal hygiene machine. My hands are widely thought to be the most thoroughly disinfected in this region of the United States, and it is preposterous for her to disagree.

P.S. Direct your attention downwards-- I added comments section, so now you can all sing along!

zebrasaur at 10:28 a.m.

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