

I know I have not written you love notes in a while. Partly this is because I had to go to Helen C. to use a computer for the past few weeks while Ben performed lifesaving CPR on mine. But mostly it is because I have not felt much like writing to you. I would apologize for that, except I am not sorry.

We had a Halloween party, and it was scary. But not scary in a Halloween sort of way-- more of in a oh-no-the-cops-are-coming-and-I-am-going-to-jail sort of way. But the cops didn't come, and I didn't go to prison, so I guess it is ok after all. Connie came to visit, and she left behind her cigarettes and lotion when she left, so... score! Other than those highlights, I will sum up everything you missed since I last posted by saying that all of the following were broken by myself or my close associates: bottles, laws, fire code, hearts, computers, (into) a stranger's apartment.


All I really wanted to do was to remind you that it is daylight savings time tonight. So if you live in America you get an extra hour to do whatever you want tonight! If there is something illegal or risky that you have been wanting to do, you should go do it right now because forty-three minutes from now, it will be erased and you will get to live that hour all over again.

zebrasaur at 12:17 a.m.

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