
and paying $10,000 for the privilege

Sorry about recent subpar quality of this blog. Sometimes this diary is a real fucking drag and I wish I didn't feel obligated to come write in it. Or avoid it because I don't want to let people know I'm still living. I am! But I work almost every day at the crotch of dawn and then class and then I get home and am tired and neglect things I really need to be doing.

But that's finals week for you: ten days of sleeplessness and caffeine abuse leaves you fighting off rhythmic waves of nausea and convincing yourself it's going to be all right. Meanwhile, you're trying to pack as many obscure facts and theories and equations into your head as possible, and repeating idiomatic uses of the Spanish gerund out loud while you shower because you don't have five minutes to waste.

It's sort of like being slowly beaten to death, except in a very expensive, cerebral sort of way.

zebrasaur at 9:31 p.m.

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