
one-man band

You know what has been bothering me, "getting my goat" so to speak, these days? Super small "companies" that continually say plural things like "we here at..." or "our team strives to..." You are not fooling anyone! Just admit you are a one-man band, working from a laptop, utilizing McDonald's new 'free WiFi' feature. No shame in that-- Zebrasaur is just me unless otherwise noted.

...Like anyone else would have anything to do with this crap. Come on.

Anyway, I just thought you'd like to hear me complain about something besides finals as a refreshing change of pace. That doesn't change the fact that my Econ exam looms ominous/bloodthirsty on the horizon, but I dug my own grave as far as that one's concerned and will not subject you to any more of my drama. This is not, after all, the Maury Povich show.

zebrasaur at 7:00 p.m.

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