
but she's honest

I know, I know.

I have recently been dropping the ball on this blog. And it is not only the blogging ball that I have been dropping, but many other proverbial balls of responsibility as well.

Do you remember in in junior high, when some kid at school would die her hair pink and wear safety pins and make a MySpace titled EndleSsTeaRs and anyone over the age of twenty-five would just roll their eyes and say "it's a phase"? Well. I think that I, too, am going through a phase.

At least I hope it's a phase. I have been moody and conniving recently. And not in my typical, endearing way. More like a made-for-TV-movie villain. The really crazy kind; the kind that goes on multi-state crime spree and then blows something up at the end then goes to prison forever and nobody even cares because... well, face it. She was nuts.

But. At least I'm honest about it. The craziness, I mean. I think that's admirable. And you gotta give me props for that.

zebrasaur at 4:26 p.m.

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