
a resurrection and a funeral

I apologize for implying, yesterday, that Alan Greenspan is dead. Turns out I was mistaken, though I bet that even he would concede that it's an easy mistake to make. Still, I'm sorry if I caused you to prematurely to cross another name off your celebrities-barely-clinging-to-life list ( and perhaps even sowing a seed of doubt in the mind of Mr. Greenspan himself?)

Heath Ledger, however, is certifiably dead, causing me a good deal more emotional anguish than Alan's (evidently yet-forthcoming) passing. Early speculation is centering around drugs... but... Heath, why the drugs?! You had so much to live for, and I am having difficulty understanding. Was it because you could not be with me? Oh, Heath, there were other fish in the sea!

If only the miracles of modern science could somehow make it possible to kill Alan Greenspan and resurrect Mr. Ledger to take his place.

zebrasaur at 7:44 p.m.

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