

Yesterday was Ben's twenty-first birthday. For those of you not from this proud nation of overbearing drinking laws, suffice to say that a twenty-first birthday is sort of like a bar mitzvah for alcoholics.

Not to imply that Ben is an alcoholic. Or Jewish. Juss sayin' that if I have tended toward the occasional excess in the past, I now have a much more reliable means of doing so. Ok?

Also worthy of note: the Facebook ranking application has duly informed me that I have been voted the 11th nicest-smelling person in the Wisconsin network. Also, the 12th most punctual. So if you needed (even more) concrete evidence that I am a catch, there it is. Should you ever have the good fortune to date me please assure yourself that not only will I be on time, but I will smell nice when I arrive.

For those of you who (unlike me) are concerned with my academic career, you should know that today I got an A on the history exam from two weeks ago, and will most likely receive and A and an Oscar for the stellar performance I put forth on my presentation on Al-Ghazalli today. (I also straight-up FAILED an econ exam, but if you were sitting next to me while I type this you could not help but note that my presence radiates PURE INDIFFERENCE.)

The 11th nicest-smelling girl in Wisconsin.

zebrasaur at 8:06 p.m.

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