

Sorry I have not written in a while. I have been speechless... written wordless. Or rather, all of my written words have been reserved for essays on such thrilling topics as the Saljuq military patronage state and the role IO's in managing international collective goods problems.

There's nothing to tell you: yesterday I went to work, ate Pop-tarts for both of my daily meals, and divided the rest of my time between lecture and the library. Oh, and I revised my Christmas list to include a team of sled dogs. It has snowed a lot in the last few days, which is inconvenient when you're living in The City That Never Plows.

I don't know if the end is in sight-- if you're really curious you can check Weather.com. I refuse to be your bitch. What I do know: if it snows enough maybe they'll have to cancel finals. So let's all pray for a blackout.

zebrasaur at 12:32 p.m.

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